A Dirty Bottom
So finally fuelled, watered, solar panelled and vaguely provisioned, we were ready for the off, and excitement was rising. We then got a message from sailing buddy Lindsay to say that there was a diver in the marina who would ‘clean your bottom’ for about 50 Euros. So M went off to find him. However the next day was Sunday and he was not very keen to get up early before we were hoping to set off. So in the end we set sail with a slimy hairy hull. How did Noddy get aboard It was a nice day of very little wind and we motored for a few hours out of Marmaris and SW down the coast of the peninsula. After a few hours the wind piped up on cue, and off we went. It was good to get all the ropes sorted out under relatively controlled conditions. This was just as well as by the time we rounded to point of the peninsula and heading N into the straits of Symi we were reefed fore and aft and doing 7.5 knots as the afternoon breeze accelerated us round the corner. We had debated whether to go to...