Two go to Greece
So we are off sailing again. This is quite a short trip of 6 weeks with family and friends, so really just an extended holiday rather than an expedition of any sort. We had in fact wondered whether we should forego doing a blog for this trip but in deference to our dedicated readers (well, my Mum), we decided we should. And as always things turn out perhaps more interesting than expected. We set off from home in the wee small hours by walking to the Bus Station to get the 04.20 to Gatwick. Surprisingly not such a desolate service as I had thought with several passengers boarding with us. We passed various Swansea Jacks on the way home from the clubs and the kebab shops were doing a fair trade. Through boredom I often indulge in attributing life stories to unknown companions on such trips. So there was a Chinese family probably off on a long journey back home to visit venerable relatives, a few in shorts and straw hats obviously off the Magaluf flesh pots for a bit of whooping it u...