Shaken, not stirred
SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED. mmmmm..I 'd rather have a VFR M..So we remain clamped awaiting events to unfold. It’s a good lesson in patience ...not one of my strongest features, I think most people would agree. We are now dealing with matters out of our control so have to seek some Zen in the life around us. There’s a rhythm to the boatyard. Starting at about 8am various mopeds and cars start trundling in, salutations exchanged and the workers get busy. Radio Turkey blares out a variety of fairly wailing female voices, interspersed with hard core rap. We are sitting in a dust bowl, so as the activity mounts, clouds of stuff billow about, reaching a peak when the refuse truck crashes around and we are in full desert storm. Of course this makes my efforts at cleaning and polishing totally useless, but does explain the teams of men constantly polishing all the mega yachts around us. It continues endlessly throughout the day until the stainless steel twinkles and the gelcoat glows by afternoon...